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Teaching & Learning Center: PDU FAQ

Use this guide as a central hub to all the Professional Development tracks CPTC has to offer

Frequently Asked Questions

Welcome to the CPTC TLC PDU Frequently Asked Questions Page!

Here you can find commonly asked questions related to PDU submissions and tracking for 2023-2024

Who needs to complete professional development?

Answer: While professional development is encouraged for all faculty, from adjunct to tenure, it is currently not required. Doing PD will be helpful to you however if you are adjunct faculty looking to acquire senior status, if you are tenure or continuous status-track looking to get your initial certification, or tenure/continuous status looking to get an increment in pay. Here is how we break it down:

How do I see how much PD I currently have?

Answer: Head on over to our PDU Tracking page for step-by-step instructions on how to see how many hours of PD you have, according to HR. 

What if my name is not on the Projects page?

Answer: These pages are for tenure/continuous status-track or tenure/continuous status faculty. If you are one of those types of faculty and your name is still not there, please reach out to someone at the

What if the number of hours HR has listed is incorrect?

Answer: At the bottom of the PDU Tracking page are directions on how to file a discrepancy ticket with HR.

How do I submit PD that I have completed?

Answer: You can find the steps for this on the PDU Tracking page, but basically you need to:

1. Make sure your PD activity aligns with your personal professional development plan goals.

2. Fill out the Prior Approval Form.

3. Have your dean sign it.

4. Do the PD.

5. Gather any supporting documentation (PD packet: prior approval forms, agendas, certificates, reflections, TA authorizations, etc.).

6. Follow the steps to submit the PD to HR using TeamDynamix.

How will I know if my PDU has been approved by HR?

Answer: Ticket responses will go straight to your email.

What do I do if I already completed PD, but didn't fill out the prior approval form?

Answer: Normally you would fill-out the form and get it approved by your dean BEFORE the PD, but if for some reason you didn't do that, fill out the form now, get it signed by you dean and submit it with your PD Packet.

Do I need to submit a PD packet if I did anything in the track created by the TLC?

Answer: Most of the PD created by the TLC automatically awards you a badge as you complete the modules. We are tracking how many badges you have and how many hours they are worth on our end. The TLC PD hours will be added to the PD tracker the week of May 15, but you can also see how many badges you have yourself right now if you log into the Canvas Badges website using your CPTC email credentials. If need any assistance in this process, please contact anyone in the TLC by emailing and we will be able to show you how to via that information.