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Teaching & Learning Center: Evidence-Based Teaching Practices

Use this guide as a central hub to all the Professional Development tracks CPTC has to offer

Evidence-Based Practices

Evidence-Based Practices:

Delve into the depths of evidence-based practices to enrich your teaching methods and enhance your students' learning experience.

Track Descriptions:

Embark on a Quest for Enlightened Practice

Track A

Active Learning (15 Hours)

  • A hands-on exploration of strategies that engage students directly in the learning process, encouraging higher-order thinking and enhancing understanding.
►Click here for the Week-by-Week breakdown (please note that the specific focus each week might change, but the overall focus of the course should stay the same)

Week 1: Introduction to Active Learning - Grasp the concept and significance of active learning in education.

Week 2: The Science Behind Active Learning - Explore the theoretical and empirical evidence supporting active learning methodologies.

Week 3: Strategies for Active Learning - Introduce a broad range of effective active learning strategies and techniques.

Week 4: Implementation of Active Learning - Learn how to apply active learning techniques in various classroom settings.

Week 5: Active Learning & Technology - Examine the use of technology tools in facilitating active learning.

Week 6: Group Work in Active Learning - Understand and implement strategies for group-based learning activities.

Week 7: Active Learning for Different Disciplines - Discover how to adapt active learning techniques across various academic fields.

Week 8: Assessing Active Learning - Learn effective techniques for evaluating the success of active learning strategies.

Week 9: Active Learning Challenges - Address potential obstacles and solutions in implementing active learning techniques.

Week 10: Active Learning & Student Engagement - Understand the relationship between active learning strategies and increased student participation.

Week 11: Active Learning & Higher-Order Thinking - Learn how active learning techniques promote complex cognitive processes.

Week 12: Case Studies in Active Learning - Analyze real-world examples of successful active learning implementations.

Week 13: Active Learning Reflections - Reflect on personal and professional experiences with active learning.

Week 14: Active Learning & Lifelong Learning - Explore the role of active learning in fostering lifelong learning habits.

Week 15: Future of Active Learning - Discuss emerging trends and potential future directions in active learning. 

Work-Based Learning (15 Hours)

  • A practical guide to incorporating real-world work experiences into educational programs, enabling students to apply academic concepts and develop professional skills.
►Click here for the Week-by-Week breakdown (please note that the specific focus each week might change, but the overall focus of the course should stay the same)

Week 1: Introduction to Work-Based Learning - Grasp the concept and its importance in education.

Week 2: Theories Supporting Work-Based Learning - Delve into the educational theories that validate work-based learning.

Week 3: Types of Work-Based Learning - Learn about various forms, such as internships and apprenticeships.

Week 4: Designing Work-Based Learning Programs - Gain insights into creating successful work-based learning programs.

Week 5: Linking Curriculum and Work-Based Learning - Learn strategies to relate academic concepts to practical applications.

Week 6: Role of Employers in Work-Based Learning - Understand the significance of employer involvement in student learning.

Week 7: Assessing Work-Based Learning - Explore ways to measure the effectiveness and success of work-based learning.

Week 8: Legal and Ethical Considerations - Study the potential legal and ethical issues in work-based learning.

Week 9: Overcoming Challenges in Work-Based Learning - Discuss potential problems and solutions in implementing work-based learning.

Week 10: Work-Based Learning and Career Readiness - Examine how work-based learning enhances career preparedness.

Week 11: Work-Based Learning in Different Fields - Learn how to adapt work-based learning strategies across diverse industries.

Week 12: Case Studies of Work-Based Learning - Analyze real-world examples of effective work-based learning programs.

Week 13: Maximizing Student Engagement in Work-Based Learning - Learn techniques to keep students motivated and engaged.

Week 14: Reflecting on Work-Based Learning - Understand the importance of reflective practices for effective learning.

Week 15: Future of Work-Based Learning - Discuss emerging trends and future directions in work-based learning. 

Track B

Transparency in Learning and Teaching (15 Hours)

  • A program designed to promote clear, purposeful communication of learning objectives, enabling students to improve their learning outcomes.
►Click here for the Week-by-Week breakdown (please note that the specific focus each week might change, but the overall focus of the course should stay the same)

Week 1: Introduction to TiLT - Explore the concept of transparency in learning and teaching and understand its role in education.

Week 2: Importance of TiLT - Discuss why transparency is vital in teaching and learning, and how it affects educational outcomes.

Week 3: TiLT in Learning Objectives - Learn how to communicate learning goals clearly to enhance student understanding and engagement.

Week 4: TiLT in Instruction - Understand the importance of explaining teaching methods and strategies transparently to students.

Week 5: TiLT in Assessment - Dive into the process of establishing clear expectations for grading and performance assessment.

Week 6: Student Perception of TiLT - Explore how students perceive transparency in learning and teaching and its impact on their learning process.

Week 7: TiLT and Student Performance - Understand how transparency in education practices influences student success and performance.

Week 8: TiLT in Course Design - Learn about incorporating transparency in syllabus design, course structure, and planning.

Week 9: Challenges to TiLT - Discuss potential obstacles in implementing transparency in teaching and how to address them.

Week 10: Strategies for TiLT - Discover practical strategies and tools to enhance teaching transparency and improve student learning.

Week 11: TiLT Case Studies - Examine real-life examples of effective transparency in teaching practices.

Week 12: Feedback and TiLT - Understand the role of clear and effective feedback in promoting transparency in learning and teaching.

Week 13: TiLT in Online Learning - Learn about implementing transparency in virtual classrooms and online learning environments.

Week 14: Reflecting on TiLT - Encourage reflective practices on transparency in teaching and how it impacts the learning process.

Week 15: Future of TiLT - Discuss anticipated future trends and shifts in transparency in teaching and learning practices. 

Reading Apprenticeship (15 Hours)

  • A comprehensive approach to teaching reading, fostering student engagement, and promoting critical thinking skills across various disciplines and contexts.
►Click here for the Week-by-Week breakdown (please note that the specific focus each week might change, but the overall focus of the course should stay the same)

Week 1: Introduction to Reading Apprenticeship - Understanding the concept, significance, and components of Reading Apprenticeship.

Week 2: Theoretical Foundations of Reading Apprenticeship - Explore the educational theories that underpin this approach.

Week 3: The Role of Metacognition in Reading Apprenticeship - Understand how metacognition supports reading comprehension and learning.

Week 4: Social Dimensions of Reading Apprenticeship - Examining how social interactions can enhance reading development.

Week 5: Personal Dimensions of Reading Apprenticeship - Investigating how personal interests and experiences can influence reading engagement.

Week 6: Cognitive Dimensions of Reading Apprenticeship - Learn how cognitive processes are involved in reading apprenticeship.

Week 7: Knowledge-Building Dimensions of Reading Apprenticeship - Understand how this approach supports the construction of knowledge.

Week 8: Integrating Reading Apprenticeship into Curriculum - Learn to incorporate Reading Apprenticeship strategies into various subject areas.

Week 9: Assessing Progress in Reading Apprenticeship - Explore techniques for evaluating students' reading progress and learning.

Week 10: Reading Apprenticeship in Digital Contexts - Understand how to apply Reading Apprenticeship strategies in digital learning environments.

Week 11: Reading Apprenticeship & Diverse Learners - Discuss strategies for adapting Reading Apprenticeship for diverse student populations.

Week 12: Case Studies in Reading Apprenticeship - Analyze examples of successful Reading Apprenticeship implementations.

Week 13: Reflecting on Reading Apprenticeship - Reflect on personal and professional experiences with Reading Apprenticeship.

Week 14: Reading Apprenticeship & Lifelong Learning - Explore the role of Reading Apprenticeship in fostering lifelong reading habits.

Week 15: Future of Reading Apprenticeship - Discuss emerging trends and potential future directions in Reading Apprenticeship.

Intended Audience:
This track is for those who: 

  • aim to enhance clarity in their teaching methods.
  • wish to strengthen their techniques in teaching reading.
  • are interested in implementing active learning strategies.
  • seek to incorporate real-world work experiences into their courses.

Faculty Lead:

The Scholars of the Verdant Archive:

Ready to delve into the heart of evidence-based practice? Join the Scholars of the Verdant Archive and empower your teaching methods!