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CPTC Library/Learning Resource Center: Borrowing

Welcome to the CPTC Library/Learning Resource Center! We are located in building 15.


Item Type All Students NWC&THS Students Students from other WACTC colleges
Books (general) 28-days, five renewals 28 days, five renewals 28-days, 1 renewal
Textbooks (NWC&THS) 28-days, starting the third week of the quarter 1 quarter not available for lending
Textbooks (Course Reserves)

Library-use only

28-days if additional copies are available

Library-use only

28-days if additional copies are available

not available for lending
DVD/VHS 7 days 7 days 7 days
Graphing Calculator 1 quarter, with instructor approval 1 quarter, with instructor approval not available for lending
Laptops 1 quarter, with photo ID 1 quarter, with photo ID not available for lending


Loan periods for library items are determined by item type and student category:

  • Books from the General Collection may be checked out to all students for 28 days
    • Students may renew a single item up to 5 times
  • Textbooks from the NWC&THS Collection (facing the study rooms) may only be checked out to NWCTHS students during the first two weeks of the quarter.
    • NWC&THS students may check out these books for the entirety of the quarter.
    • Leftover copies may be checked out to all students for the general 28 day loan period.
      • Students who are not in the NWC&THS must return these books by the end of the quarter, regardless of when the book was checked out.
  • Textbooks from the Course Reserves Collection (held at the Circulation Desk) may only be used within the Library building.
    • When additional copies are available, they may be checked out for the standard 28 day loan period.
  • DVD/VHS: 7 days
  • Graphing Calculators (held at the Circulation Desk) are reserved for students enrolled in MATH& 141, 142, and 146 and may be checked out for one quarter.
  • Laptops may be checked out to all students for one quarter.
    • Students must meet with the Student Technology Coordinator before becoming eligible to check out a laptop. More information on this process may be found on the laptop borrowing page.
    • Students must have photo ID with them at time of laptop pick-up.

Search for items

Physical items such as books and DVDs may be found by searching the Library Catalog.


Place an item on "hold"

If you would like to place a hold request on a book or DVD, login to the catalog with your Canvas username and password or contact the Library directly. Please note that some items may not be eligible for holds through the catalog.

Pending availability, Library Staff will retrieve the item for you and you will receive a notification in your student email when the item is available for pick up during open hours. Students may also opt-in to text message notifications; please ask Library Staff if you are interested in this option.

Once reserved for a particular student, items are placed on hold for one week. If you are unable to retrieve your reserved item within that time, please contact the Library ahead of time.

Please note that items such as laptops and other equipment are not available for hold requests through the catalog and must be requested via email, phone, or in-person.

Courtesy Notices

The Library will automatically send a courtesy notice to your student email three (3) days before your due date. You can opt-in to a longer notice period or get notifications via text message by speaking with Library staff.

Renew Online or Contact Library Staff

Most Library items can be renewed for longer loan periods. Exceptions include Course Reserve textbooks, laptops, and other equipment.

If your due date is coming up, but you still need the book or DVD, you can request a renewal in two ways, either by contacting Library staff or following the instructions below:

  • Login to the Library catalog using your Canvas credentials
  • Once logged in, click your name in the upper-right corner.
  • Click "Your account" to see all items checked out to you and whether they are eligible for renewal.
  • Click the check box next to your item and then click "Renew selected" at the bottom of the list. The new due date should update automatically.

If the renewal does not go through, contact the Library for assistance

Please note that some items may not be eligible to renew online. Additionally, if the due date has already passed, the catalog may not allow a renewal and you'll need to contact Library staff instead.

Library Book Drop

Library books and DVDs can be returned to the Circulation Desk during open hours or to the Book Return Box located on the East side of Building 15 in the driveway (facing Building 14).

Equipment such as laptops and calculators must be returned to the Circulation Desk during open hours.

Damaged Library Books

Library books that are returned with noticeable damage such as water damage, excessive highlighting, torn pages, etc. will be assessed by the Faculty Librarian. If the Faculty Librarian determines that the book is no longer suitable for circulation, they will contact the borrower to discuss next steps. Options available to the student may include either purchasing an acceptable used copy (as approved by the Faculty Librarian) or paying the cost of replacing the item via their ctcLink account.

If you notice damage to a book that you have checked out or if it becomes damaged while in your possession, please contact the Library as soon as possible.

Damaged Laptops

Damaged laptops will be assessed by the Student Technology Coordinator, who will work with the student and campus IT department to determine replacement costs, depending on the type of damage incurred.

If you notice damage to a laptop that you have checked out or if it becomes damaged while in your possession, please contact the Computer Lab as soon as possible.

Overdue notices

The Library will automatically send overdue notices to your CPTC email. Students may also opt-in to text notifications by speaking with Library staff.

Overdue charges

The Library does not charge daily overdue fees. However, if an item is overdue by a significant amount (schedule below), the cost to replace the item will be placed on a student's ctcLink account.

  • books from general collection = 14 days overdue

  • textbooks from Circulating Reserves or the NWC&THS Collection = 7 days overdue

  • laptops, calculators, and other equipment = 7 days overdue

If you have an overdue item and a charge has been placed on your account, please contact the Library as soon as possible to arrange a return. If the item is no longer in your possession, you may pay the replacement cost at the cashier's office or arrange purchase of an acceptable replacement with the Faculty Librarian (books only). Any replacement items must be arranged with the Faculty Librarian ahead of time and are subject to Librarian approval.

Any questions regarding overdues, loans, or fees can be directed to (253) 589-5544 or

Interlibrary loan

If you need access to an article or book chapter that is not available in our databases or physical collection, contact the Faculty Librarian via email to request access via an interlibrary loan. Please include the following information:

  • Article or book chapter titles
  • Authors
  • Year of publication
  • Periodical or book title
  • Edition, volume, and issue number is helpful to have but not required

Requests are generally filled electronically, via email, within one week.

Interlibrary loan requests for physical items -- like books or DVDs -- are only available to CPTC Faculty and Staff at this time.

Please direct all interlibrary loan requests to the Faculty Librarian, who may be reached at (253) 589-6067 or

Borrowing from other colleges

CPTC participates in a Reciprocal Borrowing Agreement with other Washington State community and technical colleges to offer students across the State convenient access to a larger number of library resources that support teaching and learning.

If the CPTC Library does not have the books you are looking for but they are available at another Washington community or technical college, you may borrow them from those other libraries. Please see the file below for more details or contact Library Staff with additional questions.